Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hanging Scarecrow with Dread Locks Called Racist

New York City is up in arms over a hanging scarecrow with dreadlocks that has been put up in the middle of Brooklyn. People are calling for the removal of the figure and it's drawn a great deal of controversy.



  1. What kind of world is this? Oh! a Racist one. So why dose this shock you people.IJS IT IS WHAT IT IS.....

  2. Nothing has changed. Things have only been rearranged!

    Always remember what is happening to "blacks" during the era of the "Obama Administration" and never forget that in this country nothing moves unless white people say it moves, and no one is a leader if whites don't choose them to be so, and people don't have jobs if whites can find cheaper labor elsewhere, and blacks are not considered 'fully' people as long as whites keep that idea imbedded in their minds!Believe me they do! Keep your eyes wide open and understand what kind of people are in charge in this world! Understand that nothing has changed. Things have only been rearranged.

  3. We have been subjected to the biggest, deadliest, costliest scam known to man!

    Libya's leader never had a chance! No country with 'People of Color' has a chance. The Anglo-elite run the world! They rule the world behind the many threatened and scared leaders of the nations they conquer and rule by a new-style colonialism which robs the citizens of nations and drives the masses into poverty.

    In this scenario only the cowering leaders of those nations and a trickle down wealth theory fare better than the populace.
    This is why it doesn't matter who is in power of any (targeted) country. The wealth will be siphoned out to the Anglo-elite and their main cohorts. In this way leaders who comply will be supported and made richer, and leaders who do not will suffer the wrath of a very powerful secret-society of these Anglo world pirates. In this scenario those leaders who resist are always in danger of being overthrown, incarcerated, murdered, or whatever it takes.

    This means that even if there is an upheaval brought on by the people or by an outside force(usually the Anglo-elite), the people will lose! It means that the Anglo-elite only need time to rethink a strategy before implementing it. It means that if their strategy means mass death and destruction then so be it. This also means that the Anglo-elite never pay for the things they do, the conquests and the wealth they achieve is always at the expense of both the people of the powerful nations they manipulate and the expense of the people of the nations that are being pillaged. Nothing is done at the elite's expense, always all at the expense and lost lives of the naive, ignorant,innocent, stupid, confused, and insane masses, and the evil conflicted willing.

    Egypt changed, but only temporarily and they will soon find out that they will suffer more severely for their upheaval. Libya has changed, but it was purposely inflicted to root out a leader that was unwilling to pay off the 'Anglo-elite' further after decades of unwilling payoffs. Iraq changed but only temporarily because Saddam would not follow the protocols laid out. There are many more countries which are caught under the villainy of these Anglo-elite tyrants. The people will still suffer because the wealth will be drained faster now that the bad leaders will be put into place..And so it all goes. Here in American our leaders were also put into place and we are seeing our country drained like never before. Again it doesn't matter any longer who is holding the seat of leadership because it is a falsity.

    It is no wonder "blacks" in this country cannot see their true reality. We have been under this fictitious spell all of our lives. We help introduce our children to it! All of America is hypnotized into a deceptive culture, but just as in every facet of our livelihood in this nation, "blacks" will suffer the 'spell' and everything else the most!

  4. Wesurvive in a very sick Babyalon.There are no real changes,only rearrangements.A tiger and zebra never change their markings.The racism and ignorance will always remain the same.There should never be suprises to what the down presser will and not do.
