Sunday, January 23, 2011

Steve Harvey’s Ex-Wife Goes Public with His Affairs, Abandonment


Steve Harvey’s ex-wife Mary has decided to break her silence about her estranged husband.  In a series of three shocking videos, Mary goes into detail about Steve’s affairs and seems to imply that Harvey has no business writing a book about relationships.  There is even a letter below from one of Steve’s mistresses that puts the “relationship guru” on blast:

Click to read more.


  1. Let the truth say AMEN!


  2. I always thought it best for a man to explain a mans point of view and a woman to tell from a womans point of view.
    I am not a man ;therefore, I cannot write a book of how a man feels or would I dare venture to tell a man to think like a woman to get a woman.
    If I have a successful relationship, then why not write about the things I did or do that makes my relationship work, other than that trying to have a man think like a woman is not going to work for me because I like the things about men that differentiates them from my womanhood. I have girl friends for that and the last thing I want is a man telling how I should be feeling becausehe knows how a woman feel (ewe). Lets get to know each other and study each other as I think we know the general differences. I percieve many books with catchy titles about "black women get your man" as sensationalized without merit how to's to bring money in the pocket of the writer.
    How about living a life treating others the way I want to be treated and knowing that more than likely ther are some mentally disturbed individuals out there (more than or not) that will be a stumbling block before or if I ever get to the one. Until that happens, it's a numbers game and I have to be wise to fold it when it needs to be folded-other than that keep my eyes open enjoy my life as is an dkeep on moving forward!

  3. Maybe he should read his own book someday!....LOL!
