Friday, December 10, 2010

Could the Dems Keep Obama from Running in 2012?

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

It appears to be the case that the Democratic anger about President Barack Obama's tax deal has come to a head. Suggesting the unthinkable, there are Democratic rumblings about the possibility that someone could challenge President Obama in the primary heading into the 2012 presidential elections.
Those on the far left, from Keith Olbermann to James Carville, have gone as far as suggesting that President Obama has sold out a long list of Democratic principles. The recent tax deal with the Republicans may be the straw threatening to break the camel's back, but there has been a consistent irritation that Obama isn't strong enough, and that he hasn't fought very hard to end the war in Afghanistan. In addition, liberals have always seemed to feel that Obama comes up short on many of the issues they hold near and dear.


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